Full playlist: Video / Audio
library operating systems
32 min

library operating systems

reject the default reality^W abstractions and substitute…

TrustZone is not enough
31 min

TrustZone is not enough

Hijacking debug components for embedded security

34C3 Infrastructure Review
57 min

34C3 Infrastructure Review

How does the CCC run a conference?

30 min


Informationsfreiheit trotz CSU

Modern key distribution with ClaimChain
32 min

Modern key distribution with ClaimChain

A decentralized Public Key Infrastructure that supports…

31 min


Walter Höllerer bei WikiPedia

Italy's surveillance toolbox
27 min

Italy's surveillance toolbox

Research on Monitoring Italian Government Surveillance…

Uncertain Concern
58 min

Uncertain Concern

How Undocumented Immigrants in the US Navigate Technology

Fuck Dutch mass-surveillance: let's have a referendum!
32 min

Fuck Dutch mass-surveillance: let's have a referendum!

Forcing the Netherlands to publicly debate privacy and the…

SCADA - Gateway to (s)hell
45 min

SCADA - Gateway to (s)hell

Hacking industrial control gateways

31 min


Resilient P2P Messaging for Everyone

The Internet in Cuba: A Story of Community Resilience
58 min

The Internet in Cuba: A Story of Community Resilience

Get a unique tour of some of the world’s most unusual…

openPower - the current state of commercial openness in CPU development
31 min

openPower - the current state of commercial openness in CPU development

is there no such thing as open hardware?

0en & 1en auf dem Acker
30 min

0en & 1en auf dem Acker

Was die Sensor & Automatisierungstechnik in der…

institutions for Resolution Disputes
33 min

institutions for Resolution Disputes

Rosa Menkman investigates video compression, feedback, and…

34C3 Abschluss
46 min

34C3 Abschluss


Mietshäusersyndikat: den Immobilienmarkt hacken
30 min

Mietshäusersyndikat: den Immobilienmarkt hacken

Wie man ein Haus kaufen kann ohne es zu besitzen

Nougatbytes 11₂
107 min

Nougatbytes 11₂

Die geekige Wort- & Bilderrätselspielshau ist zuЯück

MQA - A clever stealth DRM-Trojan
60 min

MQA - A clever stealth DRM-Trojan

A critical look on a new audio Format

Security Nightmares 0x12
71 min

Security Nightmares 0x12

Tiger, Drucker und ein Mahnmal
60 min

Tiger, Drucker und ein Mahnmal

Neues vom Zentrum für Politische Schönheit

Treibhausgasemissionen einschätzen
48 min

Treibhausgasemissionen einschätzen

Wieviel CO2 macht <...>? Ungefähr?

Decoding Contactless (Card) Payments
58 min

Decoding Contactless (Card) Payments

An Exploration of NFC Transactions and Explanation How…

How Alice and Bob meet if they don&#39;t like onions
61 min

How Alice and Bob meet if they don't like onions

Survey of Network Anonymisation Techniques

Ein Festival der Demokratie
61 min

Ein Festival der Demokratie

Von Technik, Kollaborationen und Erreichtem zum G20-Gipfel…

Extended DNA Analysis
31 min

Extended DNA Analysis

Political pressure for DNA-based facial composites

Deconstructing a Socialist Lawnmower
56 min

Deconstructing a Socialist Lawnmower

Obsolete Technologies + Critical Material Studies in Media…

This is NOT a proposal about mass surveillance!
43 min

This is NOT a proposal about mass surveillance!

Analysing the terminology of the UK’s Snooper’s Charter

Es sind die kleinen Dinge im Leben II
29 min

Es sind die kleinen Dinge im Leben II

was alles geht und wie man anfängt, mit Mikroskopen

Don&#39;t stop &#39;til you feel it
63 min

Don't stop 'til you feel it

Artistic interventions in climate change

Zamir Transnational Network und Zagreb Dairy
61 min

Zamir Transnational Network und Zagreb Dairy

Das erste computer netzwerk in Krieg (Jugoslavia 1992-1997)

Designing PCBs with code
21 min

Designing PCBs with code

Is designing circuits with code instead of CAD the future…

Running GSM mobile phone on SDR
31 min

Running GSM mobile phone on SDR

SDR PHY for OsmocomBB

Saving the World with Space Solar Power
25 min

Saving the World with Space Solar Power

or is it just PEWPEW?!

33 min


Regulating Autonomous Weapons
25 min

Regulating Autonomous Weapons

The time travelling android isn’t even our biggest problem

OONI: Let&#39;s Fight Internet Censorship, Together!
30 min

OONI: Let's Fight Internet Censorship, Together!

The Open Observatory of Network Interference

History and implications of DRM
32 min

History and implications of DRM

From tractors to Web standards

“Nabovarme” opensource heating infrastructure in Christiania
30 min

“Nabovarme” opensource heating infrastructure in Christiania

Freetown Christiania´s digitally controlled/surveyed…

Methodisch inkorrekt!
115 min

Methodisch inkorrekt!

Die Wissenschaftsgala vom 34C3

UPSat - the first open source satellite
33 min

UPSat - the first open source satellite

Going to space the libre way

Robot Music
33 min

Robot Music

The Robots Play Our Music and What Do We Do?

Are all BSDs created equally?
58 min

Are all BSDs created equally?

A survey of BSD kernel vulnerabilities.

Hacker Jeopardy
120 min

Hacker Jeopardy

Zahlenraten für Geeks

55 min


Towards an open source binary firmware analysis framework

A hacker&#39;s guide to Climate Change - What do we know and how do we know it?
62 min

A hacker's guide to Climate Change - What do we know and how do we know it?

An introduction to the basics of climate research and what…

Open Source Estrogen
58 min

Open Source Estrogen

From molecular colonization to molecular collaboration

30 min


Open Source Hardware for Smart Candies

SatNOGS: Crowd-sourced satellite operations
28 min

SatNOGS: Crowd-sourced satellite operations

Satellite Open Ground Station Network

Internet censorship in the Catalan referendum
50 min

Internet censorship in the Catalan referendum

Overview of how the state censored and how it got…

Holography of Wi-Fi radiation
61 min

Holography of Wi-Fi radiation

Can we see the stray radiation of wireless devices? And…

Protecting Your Privacy at the Border
58 min

Protecting Your Privacy at the Border

Traveling with Digital Devices in the Golden Age of…

Simulating the future of the global agro-food system
35 min

Simulating the future of the global agro-food system

Cybernetic models analyze scenarios of interactions between…

Schnaps Hacking
38 min

Schnaps Hacking

from apple to schnaps -- a complete diy-toolchain

Antipatterns und Missverständnisse in der Softwareentwicklung
33 min

Antipatterns und Missverständnisse in der Softwareentwicklung

Eine Geschichte voller Missverständnisse

Console Security - Switch
56 min

Console Security - Switch

Homebrew on the Horizon

All Computers Are Beschlagnahmt
59 min

All Computers Are Beschlagnahmt

Zum Verbot von Indymedia linksunten

Home Distilling
28 min

Home Distilling

Theory and practice of moonshining and legal distilling

ASLR on the line
44 min

ASLR on the line

Practical cache attacks on the MMU

29 min


How to make a community project fly

Growing Up Software Development
31 min

Growing Up Software Development

From Hacker Culture to the Software of the Future

The Snowden Refugees under Surveillance in Hong Kong
66 min

The Snowden Refugees under Surveillance in Hong Kong

A Rapidly Emerging Police State and Imminent Deportation to…

65 min


Fun with lattices in cryptography and cryptanalysis

Opening Closed Systems with GlitchKit
60 min

Opening Closed Systems with GlitchKit

'Liberating' Firmware from Closed Devices with Open Source…

The making of a chip
52 min

The making of a chip

30 min


Afrofuturism, Telling tales of speculative futures

Financial surveillance
59 min

Financial surveillance

Exposing the global banking watchlist

We should share our secrets
59 min

We should share our secrets

Shamir secret sharing: How it works and how to implement it

Social Bots, Fake News und Filterblasen
66 min

Social Bots, Fake News und Filterblasen

Therapiestunde mit einem Datenjournalisten und vielen…

Beeinflussung durch Künstliche Intelligenz
61 min

Beeinflussung durch Künstliche Intelligenz

Über die Banalität der Beeinflussung und das Leben mit…

Free Electron Lasers
59 min

Free Electron Lasers

...or why we need 17 billion Volts to make a picture.

How to drift with any car
51 min

How to drift with any car

(without your mom yelling at you)

Reverse engineering FPGAs
42 min

Reverse engineering FPGAs

Dissecting FPGAs from bottom up, extracting schematics and…

The seizure of the Iuventa
32 min

The seizure of the Iuventa

How search and rescue in the mediterranean was criminalized

Everything you want to know about x86 microcode, but might have been afraid to ask
57 min

Everything you want to know about x86 microcode, but might have been afraid to ask

An introduction into reverse-engineering x86 microcode and…

Visceral Systems
32 min

Visceral Systems

Approaches to working with sound and network data…

Think big or care for yourself
32 min

Think big or care for yourself

On the obstacles to think of emergent technologies in the…

Deep Learning Blindspots
53 min

Deep Learning Blindspots

Tools for Fooling the "Black Box"

Why Do We Anthropomorphize Computers?...
32 min

Why Do We Anthropomorphize Computers?...

...and dehumanize ourselves in the process?

Taking a scalpel to QNX
46 min

Taking a scalpel to QNX

Analyzing & Breaking Exploit Mitigations and Secure Random…

Electromagnetic Threats for Information Security
49 min

Electromagnetic Threats for Information Security

Ways to Chaos in Digital and Analogue Electronics

Trügerische Sicherheit
61 min

Trügerische Sicherheit

Wie die Überwachung unsere Sicherheit gefährdet

Netzpolitik in der Schweiz
47 min

Netzpolitik in der Schweiz

Die aktuellen Auseinandersetzungen über digitale…

Internet of Fails
59 min

Internet of Fails

Where IoT has gone wrong

Digitale Bildung in der Schule
33 min

Digitale Bildung in der Schule

5.-Klässlerinnen, die über die Millisekunden für einen…

Humans as software extensions
26 min

Humans as software extensions

Will You Be My Plugin?

eMMC hacking, or: how I fixed long-dead Galaxy S3 phones
56 min

eMMC hacking, or: how I fixed long-dead Galaxy S3 phones

A journey on how to fix broken proprietary hardware by…

61 min



Der PC-Wahl-Hack
55 min

Der PC-Wahl-Hack

Analyse einer Wahlsoftware

Unleash your smart-home devices: Vacuum Cleaning Robot Hacking
31 min

Unleash your smart-home devices: Vacuum Cleaning Robot Hacking

Why is my vacuum as powerful as my smartphone?

Lobby-Schlacht um die ePrivacy-Verordnung
55 min

Lobby-Schlacht um die ePrivacy-Verordnung

Die EU hat die Wahl: Schutz von Menschen oder von…

BBSs and early Internet access in the 1990ies
61 min

BBSs and early Internet access in the 1990ies

Modems, FIDO, Z-Netz, Usenet, UUCP, SLIP and ISDN

Social Cooling - big data’s unintended side effect
34 min

Social Cooling - big data’s unintended side effect

How the reputation economy is creating data-driven…

Pointing Fingers at &#39;The Media&#39;
59 min

Pointing Fingers at 'The Media'

The Bundestagswahl 2017 and Rise of the AfD

Tightening the Net in Iran
47 min

Tightening the Net in Iran

The Situation of Censorship and Surveillance in Iran, and…

Der netzpolitische Wetterbericht
29 min

Der netzpolitische Wetterbericht

Wird es Regen geben? Ein Ausblick auf die neue…

Relativitätstheorie für blutige Anfänger
32 min

Relativitätstheorie für blutige Anfänger

Raum, Zeit, Licht und Gravitation, wie hängt das zusammen?

Gamified Control?
39 min

Gamified Control?

China's Social Credit Systems

Doping your Fitbit
22 min

Doping your Fitbit

On Fitbit Firmware Modifications and Data Extraction

Watching the changing Earth
33 min

Watching the changing Earth

warning: gravity ahead

Die göttliche Informatik
61 min

Die göttliche Informatik

Die Informatik löst formale (mathematisch modellierte)…

31 min


Decrypting French encryption law

Ecstasy 10x yellow Twitter 120mg Mdma
29 min

Ecstasy 10x yellow Twitter 120mg Mdma

Shipped from Germany for 0.1412554 Bitcoins

Low Cost Non-Invasive Biomedical Imaging
35 min

Low Cost Non-Invasive Biomedical Imaging

An Open Electrical Impedance Tomography Project

Die Sprache der Überwacher
32 min

Die Sprache der Überwacher

Wie in Österreich über Sicherheit und Überwachung…

Access To Bodies
31 min

Access To Bodies

Ein Leitfaden für post-humane Computer- und…

Science is broken
30 min

Science is broken

How much can we trust science in light failed replications,…

Practical Mix Network Design
46 min

Practical Mix Network Design

Strong metadata protection for asynchronous messaging

BGP and the Rule of Custom
31 min

BGP and the Rule of Custom

How the internet self-governs without international law

DPRK Consumer Technology
31 min

DPRK Consumer Technology

Facts to fight lore

Forensic Architecture
43 min

Forensic Architecture

Forensic Architecture is an independent research agency…

Lets break modern binary code obfuscation
60 min

Lets break modern binary code obfuscation

A semantics based approach

Ladeinfrastruktur für Elektroautos: Ausbau statt Sicherheit
52 min

Ladeinfrastruktur für Elektroautos: Ausbau statt Sicherheit

Warum das Laden eines Elektroautos unsicher ist

hacking disaster
35 min

hacking disaster

mit Krisenintervention den Kapitalismus hacken

Demystifying Network Cards
31 min

Demystifying Network Cards

Things you always wanted to know about NIC drivers

How risky is the software you use?
58 min

How risky is the software you use?

CITL: Quantitative, Comparable Software Risk Reporting