32C3: gated communities

Full playlist: Video / Audio
The exhaust emissions scandal („Dieselgate“)
65 min

The exhaust emissions scandal („Dieselgate“)

Take a deep breath into pollution trickery

Safe Harbor
60 min

Safe Harbor

78 min


Quantenphysik und  Kosmologie
61 min

Quantenphysik und Kosmologie

Eine Einführung für blutige Anfänger

Wie man einen Blackout verursacht
62 min

Wie man einen Blackout verursacht

und warum das gar nicht so einfach ist.

Grundrechte gelten nicht im Weltall!
69 min

Grundrechte gelten nicht im Weltall!

Die absurdesten Szenen aus dem…

Methodisch inkorrekt!
128 min

Methodisch inkorrekt!

Die Wissenschaftsgala vom 32C3

Beyond your cable modem
60 min

Beyond your cable modem

How not to do DOCSIS networks

Ten years after ‚We Lost The War‘
61 min

Ten years after ‚We Lost The War‘

The future does not look much brighter than ten years ago.…

What does Big Brother see, while he is watching?
60 min

What does Big Brother see, while he is watching?

Uncovering images from the secret Stasi archives.

Hacker Jeopardy
95 min

Hacker Jeopardy

Zahlenraten für Geeks

A New Kid on the Block
62 min

A New Kid on the Block

Conditions for a Successful Market Entry of Decentralized…

Ein Abgrund von Landesverrat
60 min

Ein Abgrund von Landesverrat

Wie es dazu kam und was daraus zu lernen ist

Computational Meta-Psychology
61 min

Computational Meta-Psychology

An Artificial Intelligence exploration into the creation of…

„Nach bestem Wissen und Gewissen“ – Floskeln in der Politik
60 min

„Nach bestem Wissen und Gewissen“ – Floskeln in der Politik

Politische Phrasologie – warum man aus dem ganzen Zeug, das…

Security Nightmares 0x10
71 min

Security Nightmares 0x10

Lifting the Fog on Red Star OS
60 min

Lifting the Fog on Red Star OS

A deep dive into the surveillance features of North Korea's…

60 min


The potential for payment system abuse

"Fluxus cannot save the world."
57 min

"Fluxus cannot save the world."

What hacking has to do with avantgarde art of the 1960ies…

Check your privileges!
60 min

Check your privileges!

How to drop more of your privileges to reduce attack…

Building and Breaking Wireless Security
29 min

Building and Breaking Wireless Security

Wireless Physical Layer Security & More...

Console Hacking
72 min

Console Hacking

Breaking the 3DS

3D printing on the moon
55 min

3D printing on the moon

The future of space exploration

Ecuador: how an authoritarian government is fooling the entire world
51 min

Ecuador: how an authoritarian government is fooling the entire world

Guess what? The Government of Rafael Correa actually is…

Hardware-Trojaner in Security-Chips
60 min

Hardware-Trojaner in Security-Chips

Eine Reise auf die dunkle Seite

Das Zahnrad aus Fleisch
60 min

Das Zahnrad aus Fleisch

Expeditionen ins Kommentierreich

Crypto Wars Part II
60 min

Crypto Wars Part II

The Empires Strike Back

How hackers grind an MMORPG: by taking it apart!
54 min

How hackers grind an MMORPG: by taking it apart!

An introduction to reverse engineering network protocols

Hardsploit: A Metasploit-like tool for hardware hacking
59 min

Hardsploit: A Metasploit-like tool for hardware hacking

A complete toolbox for IoT security

Avoiding kernel panic: Europe’s biggest fails in digital policy-making
61 min

Avoiding kernel panic: Europe’s biggest fails in digital policy-making

How the institutions fuck up, and how we fuck it up as well

Iridium Update
56 min

Iridium Update

more than just pagers

The Perl Jam 2
60 min

The Perl Jam 2

The Camel Strikes Back

60 min


Living with a vulnerable implanted device

The Price Of Dissent
62 min

The Price Of Dissent

The surveillance state & modern day COINTELPRO tactics

Beyond Anti Evil Maid
60 min

Beyond Anti Evil Maid

Making it easier to avoid low-level compromise, and why…

58 min


Ein Computerwurm für PLCs

The Ultimate Amiga 500 Talk
53 min

The Ultimate Amiga 500 Talk

Amiga Hardware Design And Programming

So you want to build a satellite?
60 min

So you want to build a satellite?

How hard can it be? An introduction into CubeSat development

Lessons learned: Freifunk für Geflüchtete
60 min

Lessons learned: Freifunk für Geflüchtete

1 Jahr Freifunk in Südhessen

De-anonymizing Programmers
59 min

De-anonymizing Programmers

Large Scale Authorship Attribution from Executable Binaries…

Evolution of Brain-Computer Interfaces
35 min

Evolution of Brain-Computer Interfaces

The future of Neuro-Headsets and concepts towards…

Lightning Talks Day 2
131 min

Lightning Talks Day 2

APT Reports and OPSEC Evolution, or: These are not  the APT reports you are looking for
60 min

APT Reports and OPSEC Evolution, or: These are not the APT reports you are looking for

How advanced threat actors learn and change with innovation…

libusb: Maintainer fail
30 min

libusb: Maintainer fail

How I failed to run an open source project

58 min


Creativity, Archives & Digital Media from the Chinese…

Key-logger, Video, Mouse
49 min

Key-logger, Video, Mouse

How to turn your KVM into a raging key-logging monster

All Our Shared Spectrum Are Belong to Us
30 min

All Our Shared Spectrum Are Belong to Us

Visualizing WLAN Channel Usage on OpenWRT

When hardware must „just work“
58 min

When hardware must „just work“

An inside look at x86 CPU design

Quantum Cryptography
60 min

Quantum Cryptography

from key distribution to position-based cryptography

Rowhammer.js: Root privileges for web apps?
30 min

Rowhammer.js: Root privileges for web apps?

A tale of fault attacks on DRAM and attacks on CPU caches

Graphs, Drones & Phones
55 min

Graphs, Drones & Phones

The role of social-graphs for Drones in the War on Terror.

Stromtankstellen – eine neue öffentliche Infrastruktur
60 min

Stromtankstellen – eine neue öffentliche Infrastruktur

Was kann das? Wie kann ich das nutzen? Wo besteht…

My Robot Will Crush You With Its Soft Delicate Hands!
60 min

My Robot Will Crush You With Its Soft Delicate Hands!

How to design and fabricate soft robots using everyday…

60 min


The art of failure taught by improv theatre

58 min


half a year later

The architecture of a street level panopticon
61 min

The architecture of a street level panopticon

How drones, IMSI Catchers, and cameras are shaping our…

One year of securitarian drift in France
27 min

One year of securitarian drift in France

From the Bill on Intelligence to the State of Emergency

Wireless Drivers: Freedom considered harmful?
51 min

Wireless Drivers: Freedom considered harmful?

An OpenWrt perspective on the development of Linux 802.11…

Buffering sucks!
60 min

Buffering sucks!

An attempt of calculating the economic cost of buffering.

Say hi to your new boss: How algorithms might soon control our lives.
59 min

Say hi to your new boss: How algorithms might soon control our lives.

Discrimination and ethics in the data-driven society

Maritime Robotics
27 min

Maritime Robotics

Hackers, I call thee to our Oceans!

A Dozen Years of Shellphish
57 min

A Dozen Years of Shellphish

From DEFCON to the DARPA Cyber Grand Challenge

The plain simple reality of entropy
60 min

The plain simple reality of entropy

Or how I learned to stop worrying and love urandom

Dissecting VoLTE
49 min

Dissecting VoLTE

Exploiting Free Data Channels and Security Problems

The Magic World of Searchable Symmetric Encryption
58 min

The Magic World of Searchable Symmetric Encryption

A brief introduction to search over encrypted data

Lightning Talks Day 4
131 min

Lightning Talks Day 4

Net Neutrality in Europe
61 min

Net Neutrality in Europe

alea iacta est

Österreich: Der Kampf gegen unkontrollierte Massenüberwachung
60 min

Österreich: Der Kampf gegen unkontrollierte Massenüberwachung

Geheimdienste kontrolliert man am besten, indem man ihre…

apertus° AXIOM
30 min

apertus° AXIOM

The first Open Source Cinema Camera

Top X* usability obstacles
59 min

Top X* usability obstacles

*(will be specified later based on usability test with…

Hacking EU funding for a decentralizing FOSS project
59 min

Hacking EU funding for a decentralizing FOSS project

Understanding and adapting EU legal guidelines from a FOSS…

60 min


A gentle introduction to post-quantum cryptography

Jugend hackt 2015
61 min

Jugend hackt 2015

Projektvorstellungen der JunghackerInnen

goto fail;
63 min

goto fail;

exploring two decades of transport layer insecurity

Running your own 3G/3.5G network
56 min

Running your own 3G/3.5G network

OpenBSC reloaded

Internet Cube
60 min

Internet Cube

Let's Build together a Free, Neutral and Decentralized…

47 min


Trash the prints, print the trash

Replication Prohibited
44 min

Replication Prohibited

3D printed key attacks

Lightning Talks Day 3
129 min

Lightning Talks Day 3

the possibility of an army
60 min

the possibility of an army

phone verified accounts bringing the Hessian army back to…

Prediction and Control
60 min

Prediction and Control

Watching Algorithms

28 min


One can create art and beauty with … pixels

Windows drivers attack surface
60 min

Windows drivers attack surface

some 'new' insights

When  algorithms fail in our personal lives
53 min

When algorithms fail in our personal lives

Social media break up coordinator

62 min


Pure capability-based security for UNIX

Sanitizing PCAPs
43 min

Sanitizing PCAPs

Fun and games until someone uses IPv6 or TCP

Ling - High level system programming
34 min

Ling - High level system programming

modular and precise resource management

Profiling (In)justice
60 min

Profiling (In)justice

Disaggregating Data by Race and Ethnicity to Curb…

Netzpolitik in der Schweiz
60 min

Netzpolitik in der Schweiz

NDG, BÜPF und wie wir uns dagegen wehren

The mummy unwrapped
56 min

The mummy unwrapped

Cultural Commons durch Kunstraub

Household, Totalitarianism and Cyberspace
56 min

Household, Totalitarianism and Cyberspace

Philosophical Perspectives on Privacy Drawing on the…

60 min


Calling secret service agents to quit their jobs

Verified Firewall Ruleset Verification
32 min

Verified Firewall Ruleset Verification

Math, Functional Programming, Theorem Proving, and an…

Sin in the time of Technology
60 min

Sin in the time of Technology

How social media companies are creating a global morality…

Trust us and our business will expand!
22 min

Trust us and our business will expand!

Net-activism strategies against fake web companies

How to contribute to make open hardware happen
51 min

How to contribute to make open hardware happen

Mooltipass, Openpandora/Pyra and Novena/Senoko: how I…

REXUS/BEXUS - Rocket and Balloon Experiments for University Students
48 min

REXUS/BEXUS - Rocket and Balloon Experiments for University Students

How to bring student experiments into space.

“I feel like a criminal and I have to be god at the same time”
57 min

“I feel like a criminal and I have to be god at the same time”

Perceptions of hackers and hacktivists on their…

Technology and Mass Atrocity Prevention
32 min

Technology and Mass Atrocity Prevention

Overview on Current Efforts - We Need Moar H4x0rs?!

Cyber all the Wassenaars
58 min

Cyber all the Wassenaars

Export controls and exploit regulations: braindead and…

Maker Spaces in Favelas - Lecture
46 min

Maker Spaces in Favelas - Lecture

Engaging social innovation and social innovators

Media Coverage and the Public in the Surveillance Society
60 min

Media Coverage and the Public in the Surveillance Society

Findings from a Research Project on Digital Surveillance…

Public Library/Memory of the World
62 min

Public Library/Memory of the World

Access to knowledge for every member of society

Craft, leisure, and end-user innovation
32 min

Craft, leisure, and end-user innovation

How hacking is conceived in social science research