27C3: We Come In Peace

Full playlist: Video / Audio
DIY synthesizers and sound generators
24 min

DIY synthesizers and sound generators

Where does the sound come from?

SIP home gateways under fire
25 min

SIP home gateways under fire

Source routing attacks applied to SIP

Ignorance and Peace Narratives in Cyberspace
30 min

Ignorance and Peace Narratives in Cyberspace

Cloud Computing, Assessment, and Fools like Me.

Lying To The Neighbours
34 min

Lying To The Neighbours

Nasty effects with tracker-less BitTorrent

Logikschaltungen ohne Elektronik
35 min

Logikschaltungen ohne Elektronik

logische Schaltungen mit Pneumatik

35 min


interactive light installation inspired by blinkenlights

Having fun with RTP
36 min

Having fun with RTP

„Who is speaking???“

27C3 Keynote
39 min

27C3 Keynote

We come in Peace

Cybernetics for the Masses
39 min

Cybernetics for the Masses

implants, sensory extension and silicon - all for you!

Digitale Spaltung per Gesetz
41 min

Digitale Spaltung per Gesetz

Das Internet und geschaffene soziale Ungleichheit im Alltag…

Wikileaks und mehr
41 min

Wikileaks und mehr

Eine Whistleblowerperspektive auf Leaking-Plattformen

Console Hacking 2010
44 min

Console Hacking 2010

PS3 Epic Fail

From robot to robot
47 min

From robot to robot

Restoring creativity in school pupils using robotics

The Hidden Nemesis
47 min

The Hidden Nemesis

Backdooring Embedded Controllers

Lightning Talks - Day 2
49 min

Lightning Talks - Day 2

4 minutes of fame

A short political history of acoustics
49 min

A short political history of acoustics

For whom, and to do what, the science of sound was…

Data Analysis in Terabit Ethernet Traffic
50 min

Data Analysis in Terabit Ethernet Traffic

Solutions for monitoring and lawful interception within a…

File -> Print -> Electronics
51 min

File -> Print -> Electronics

A new circuit board printer will liberate you from the…

Reverse Engineering the MOS 6502 CPU
51 min

Reverse Engineering the MOS 6502 CPU

3510 transistors in 60 minutes

Adventures in Mapping Afghanistan Elections
52 min

Adventures in Mapping Afghanistan Elections

The story of 3 Ushahidi mapping and reporting projects.

Netzmedienrecht, Lobbyismus und Korruption
52 min

Netzmedienrecht, Lobbyismus und Korruption

Wie wirkt die Lobby von Medienkonzernen?

Contemporary Profiling of Web Users
54 min

Contemporary Profiling of Web Users

On Using Anonymizers and Still Get Fucked

Friede sei mit Euren Daten
54 min

Friede sei mit Euren Daten

Ein datenschutzrechtlicher Ausflug in ein kirchliches…

55 min


Mitigating cold-boot attacks for Full-Disk-Encryption…

Desktop on the Linux... (and BSD, of course)
55 min

Desktop on the Linux... (and BSD, of course)

you're doing it confused? weird? strange? wrong?

Copyright Enforcement Vs. Freedoms
55 min

Copyright Enforcement Vs. Freedoms

ACTA, IPRED3 and other upcoming battles of the crusade…

USB and libusb
56 min

USB and libusb

So much more than a serial port with power

JTAG/Serial/FLASH/PCB Embedded Reverse Engineering Tools and Techniques
56 min

JTAG/Serial/FLASH/PCB Embedded Reverse Engineering Tools and Techniques

a dump of simple tools for embedded analysis at many layers

"The Concert"
56 min

"The Concert"

a disconcerting moment for free culture

IMMI, from concept to reality
56 min

IMMI, from concept to reality

The Icelandic Modern Media Initiative and our need for a…

Distributed FPGA Number Crunching For The Masses
56 min

Distributed FPGA Number Crunching For The Masses

How we obtained the equivalent power of a Deep Crack for a…

The importance of resisting Excessive Government Surveillance
56 min

The importance of resisting Excessive Government Surveillance

Join me in exposing and challenging the constant violations…

57 min


What you didn't know about Acrobat

Secure communications below the hearing threshold
57 min

Secure communications below the hearing threshold

Improved approaches for auditive steganography

Chip and PIN is Broken
57 min

Chip and PIN is Broken

Vulnerabilities in the EMV Protocol

Is the SSLiverse a safe place?
58 min

Is the SSLiverse a safe place?

An update on EFF's SSL Observatory project

How the Internet sees you
58 min

How the Internet sees you

demonstrating what activities most ISPs see you doing on…

Reverse Engineering a real-world RFID payment system
58 min

Reverse Engineering a real-world RFID payment system

Corporations enabling citizens to print digital money

Part-Time Scientists
59 min

Part-Time Scientists

One year of Rocket Science!

59 min


Licht ins Dunkel!

International Cyber Jurisdiction
59 min

International Cyber Jurisdiction

Kill Switching” Cyberspace, Cyber Criminal Prosecution &…

Safety on the Open Sea
59 min

Safety on the Open Sea

Safe navigation with the aid of an open sea chart.

Von Zensursula über Censilia hin zum Kindernet
60 min

Von Zensursula über Censilia hin zum Kindernet

Jahresrückblick rund um Internet-Sperren,…

"Die gesamte Technik ist sicher"
60 min

"Die gesamte Technik ist sicher"

Besitz und Wissen: Relay-Angriffe auf den neuen…

Three jobs that journalists will do in 2050
60 min

Three jobs that journalists will do in 2050

Why future media may be more powerful (and more subversive)…

Data Recovery Techniques
60 min

Data Recovery Techniques

Fun with Hard Drives

Running your own GSM stack on a phone
61 min

Running your own GSM stack on a phone

Introducing Project OsmocomBB

61 min


From analyzing to attacking mobile phones on a large scale.

Eins, zwei, drei - alle sind dabei
62 min

Eins, zwei, drei - alle sind dabei

Von der Volkszählung zum Bundesmelderegister

I Control Your Code
62 min

I Control Your Code

Attack Vectors Through the Eyes of Software-based Fault…

Android geolocation using GSM network
63 min

Android geolocation using GSM network

"Where was Waldroid?"

Spinning the electronic Wheel
63 min

Spinning the electronic Wheel

Still the bicycles for the 21th century

Ich sehe nicht, dass wir nicht zustimmen werden
63 min

Ich sehe nicht, dass wir nicht zustimmen werden

Die Sprache des politischen Verrats und seiner…

Tor is Peace, Software Freedom is Slavery, Wikipedia is Truth
64 min

Tor is Peace, Software Freedom is Slavery, Wikipedia is Truth

The political philosophy of the Internet

Defense is not dead
64 min

Defense is not dead

Why we will have more secure computers - tomorrow

Pentanews Game Show
64 min

Pentanews Game Show

Your opponents will be riddled as well

Zero-sized heap allocations vulnerability analysis
65 min

Zero-sized heap allocations vulnerability analysis

Applications of theorem proving for securing the windows…

Cognitive Psychology for Hackers
65 min

Cognitive Psychology for Hackers

Bugs, exploits, and occasional patches

The Baseband Apocalypse
66 min

The Baseband Apocalypse

all your baseband are belong to us

"Spoilers, Reverse Green, DECEL!" or "What's it doing now?"
68 min

"Spoilers, Reverse Green, DECEL!" or "What's it doing now?"

Thoughts on the Automation and its Human interfaces on…

Lightning Talks - Day 3
72 min

Lightning Talks - Day 3

where is my community?

hacking smart phones
73 min

hacking smart phones

expanding the attack surface and then some

Rootkits and Trojans on Your SAP Landscape
76 min

Rootkits and Trojans on Your SAP Landscape

SAP Security and the Enterprise

Radio der Zukunft
78 min

Radio der Zukunft

Was kommt nach dem analogen Radio?

Fnord-Jahresrückblick 2010 (english translation)
83 min

Fnord-Jahresrückblick 2010 (english translation)

von Atomausstieg bis Zwangsintegration

Fnord-Jahresrückblick 2010
83 min

Fnord-Jahresrückblick 2010

von Atomausstieg bis Zwangsintegration

Lightning Talks - Day 4
121 min

Lightning Talks - Day 4

where is my community?

Hacker Jeopardy (english translation)
134 min

Hacker Jeopardy (english translation)

Number guessing for geeks

Hacker Jeopardy
134 min

Hacker Jeopardy

Number guessing for geeks