SHA2017: Still Hacking Anyway

Full playlist: Video / Audio
56 min


Hacking BLE Smart Devices

Biometric ID cards by the billion
57 min

Biometric ID cards by the billion

Experiences with Aadhaar in India, or what possibly could…

Hackerspaces Jedi
25 min

Hackerspaces Jedi

Everything is interconnected - but how?

SHA2017 Closing
29 min

SHA2017 Closing

Five days of hacking, this is what happened. You wouldn't…

The Fenrir Project
34 min

The Fenrir Project

Fixing Authentication and Transport protocols

Parkour communications
36 min

Parkour communications

How you can communicate, free running style, using nothing…

FaceDancer 2.0
61 min

FaceDancer 2.0

easy USB hacking, sniffing, and spoofing

DDoS attack and defense
54 min

DDoS attack and defense

for the lulz

Infrastructure review
54 min

Infrastructure review

How all the infra teams made SHA2017 possible

NSFW: Di[CENSORED]s for privacy
28 min

NSFW: Di[CENSORED]s for privacy

Why not give hackers and agencies something to look at . .

(In)discrete Music
58 min

(In)discrete Music

(mis)adventures in generative art

Let There be Light
62 min

Let There be Light

Adventures in LED Lighting

Energy Harvesting for Smart Autonomous Electronics 2
81 min

Energy Harvesting for Smart Autonomous Electronics 2

Towards a future of autonomous wireless electronics without…

Black Hat Locksmithing
57 min

Black Hat Locksmithing

When Locksmiths Go Bad

"Information. What are they looking at?"
17 min

"Information. What are they looking at?"

A documentary on privacy for the broad audience.

The Hackeboy handheld game console
48 min

The Hackeboy handheld game console

Retro-gaming on open hardware

From Project To Kit
36 min

From Project To Kit

Bringing an electronic project to market in kit form

Get your ass (HTTP infrastructure) on TLS
43 min

Get your ass (HTTP infrastructure) on TLS

It's about the time.

Responsible Disclosure; How to make your school a safer place.
24 min

Responsible Disclosure; How to make your school a safer place.

Story of a 15 year old hacker in collaboration with his…

Silent Protest
26 min

Silent Protest

DIY wearable protest network

Gems are truly outrageous
30 min

Gems are truly outrageous

Combining 3D printing and crystallisation techniques

The quest for algorithm diversity
43 min

The quest for algorithm diversity

Good is hard, but try anyway.
21 min

Good is hard, but try anyway.

Ethics, colonialism, technological optimism and the reality…

Regulating Law Enforcement use of Trojans
49 min

Regulating Law Enforcement use of Trojans

Implementing a Law to juridically, operationally and…

MISP threat sharing platform
49 min

MISP threat sharing platform

The MISP threat sharing platform is a free and open source…

When Tech MIMICS Reality
60 min

When Tech MIMICS Reality

Identity and Agency In the Age of Algorithms

I have a dream
40 min

I have a dream

The ultimate Hackerspace; From Panopticon-prison to…

Ask your candidates and let everyone know about it
41 min

Ask your candidates and let everyone know about it

How to make use of democratic elections for your own purpose

Legacy Crypto Never Dies
44 min

Legacy Crypto Never Dies

Cracking DES nearly 20 years after the EFF DES Cracker

Ethics in Technology
60 min

Ethics in Technology

Internet Measurements' Ethical Dilemmas and RIPE Atlas

In The Eye of the Beholder
58 min

In The Eye of the Beholder

Theories of Governance for a Distributed Machine Vision…

Weaponized Social
35 min

Weaponized Social

Understanding and tools to mitigate network-scale violences

Blockchains for a Better World
56 min

Blockchains for a Better World

From Napster to Bitcoin to Ethereum to Statebox: saving the…

Life Needs Internet
44 min

Life Needs Internet

Documenting digital culture through handwritten letters

Nerd-Wrangling 101
60 min

Nerd-Wrangling 101

Managing Neurodiversity with Cognitive Empathy

Digital dissent in Latin America
39 min

Digital dissent in Latin America

How the Internet is impacting organizing and dissent in…

Playing defence is complicated
51 min

Playing defence is complicated

What goes into playing defence and what can be holding you…

Neuralscape Bowels
68 min

Neuralscape Bowels

How to read brainwaves using cheap toys

Let's hack words
56 min

Let's hack words

Creative Writing

Network Traffic Analysis using Deep Packet Inspection and Data Visualization
25 min

Network Traffic Analysis using Deep Packet Inspection and Data Visualization

Eventpad: the Sublime editor for network traffic

The state of the pretty Easy privacy (p≡p) project and what to expect next
61 min

The state of the pretty Easy privacy (p≡p) project and what to expect next

Easy to use automatic encryption for the masses

Anonymous, secure and easy. You can have them all.
51 min

Anonymous, secure and easy. You can have them all.

An authentication protocol that offers security, privacy…

Hormones and Hysteria - what every person should know
29 min

Hormones and Hysteria - what every person should know

are you not curious now? ;)

Malware: From your text editor,  to the United States Government's Lab
18 min

Malware: From your text editor, to the United States Government's Lab

How Universities in the US collaborate with the United…

Digital personal locker
34 min

Digital personal locker

New paradigm in handling personal (health) data

Hardware games
38 min

Hardware games

How to build alternative controllers

Building Businesses that we can Buy Into and Believe In
57 min

Building Businesses that we can Buy Into and Believe In

What it means to profit from privacy-friendly, open-source…

46 min



Developments in Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure
59 min

Developments in Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure

The government is here to help

Smart, safe & happy
53 min

Smart, safe & happy

ensuring civil rights in the digital era

My Safe In Your House
39 min

My Safe In Your House

Keeping Secrets On Remote Machines

Human Rights and Internet Infrastructure
52 min

Human Rights and Internet Infrastructure

standard or substandard?

GNU Taler
61 min

GNU Taler

Independent One-Click Payments!

32 min


empower kids and provide tools for them to be more secure…

Cut by the free and open edge
48 min

Cut by the free and open edge

FLOSS, NGOs, Activists, Journalists, and the Pareto…

Exploiting The North American Railways
28 min

Exploiting The North American Railways

Modern Day American Hobo-ism

Bypassing Secure Boot using Fault Injection
50 min

Bypassing Secure Boot using Fault Injection

Bypassing Secure Boot using Fault Injection

Data Exploitation
63 min

Data Exploitation

how your digital doppelganger has been exploiting you all…

The law and leaky abstractions
27 min

The law and leaky abstractions

In what ways can laws influence the security of society.

The World in 24 Hours Revisited
40 min

The World in 24 Hours Revisited

How to re-enact a 1982 network art performance

Fermentation Mobile
64 min

Fermentation Mobile

experimental, educational and commercial fermentation…

Olmogo - because it's your data!
47 min

Olmogo - because it's your data!

A cryptographically secure social network platform

Flip Feng Shui
60 min

Flip Feng Shui

Advanced Rowhammer exploitation on cloud, desktop, and…

Demolish the web with the Firefox Dev Tools!
48 min

Demolish the web with the Firefox Dev Tools!

Do you know what you can do with Firefox for frontend…

Off<>zz Code and Piano Concert
45 min

Off<>zz Code and Piano Concert

“Code Our Glance” and beta “CodeKlavier”

Human body as an electric IO system
61 min

Human body as an electric IO system

Hacking your brain, and other body parts. Debunking myths…

141 min


TEETH, Hippis from Hell, Them F*cking Robots

One map to map them all
37 min

One map to map them all

Why MissingMaps saves lives, and how to help

Let&#39;s stop EU copyright expansion
74 min

Let's stop EU copyright expansion

If you like untaxed links and unsurveilled uploads, you…

An academic&#39;s view to incident response
52 min

An academic's view to incident response

It's all fun and games until reality starts kicking you in…

Art Tech Activism Privacy and Cool Robots
50 min

Art Tech Activism Privacy and Cool Robots

Not only hackers do Security, Privacy and Hacking. Want to…

Best of IoT Fails
30 min

Best of IoT Fails

When reality beats science fiction

Computational Thinking
48 min

Computational Thinking

How your can teach it.

Social cooling
33 min

Social cooling

How the reputation economy is turning us into conformists

Network concepts introduction &amp; wireshark workshop
156 min

Network concepts introduction & wireshark workshop

The legendary workshop that teaches you how network really…

Hack North Korea
43 min

Hack North Korea

Flash Drives for Freedom

Tor de-anonymization techniques
61 min

Tor de-anonymization techniques

How people have lost their anonymity? Let's study…

Privacy Design Strategies
52 min

Privacy Design Strategies

Doing well is good enough

Smart Home Security with Tor
36 min

Smart Home Security with Tor

Using TOR for securing Smart Homes from prying eyes

48 min


4 years later

OpenINTEL: digging in the DNS with an industrial size digger
58 min

OpenINTEL: digging in the DNS with an industrial size digger

I measured 60% of the DNS, and I found this

Moving towards fully encrypted web
53 min

Moving towards fully encrypted web

Checkpoint on the road towards inevitable

Improving security with Fuzzing and Sanitizers
40 min

Improving security with Fuzzing and Sanitizers

Free and open source software has far too many security…

DNA: The Code of Life
61 min

DNA: The Code of Life

Surprise: it is fully digital!

Are Whistleblowers safer today than they were at OHM2013?
64 min

Are Whistleblowers safer today than they were at OHM2013?

Current case studies of whistleblowing in Europe, and how…

Hacking on a boat
38 min

Hacking on a boat

Fun with onboard maritime systems

from glass fiber to fiber glass noodles
50 min

from glass fiber to fiber glass noodles

towards edible network infrastructures

Beyond the Titanic
42 min

Beyond the Titanic

Learning from dataleaks

Mass Surveillance abusing Computational Linguistics and Human Language Technology
59 min

Mass Surveillance abusing Computational Linguistics and Human Language Technology

Mind-sets, state-of-the-art methods and practices according…

Cryptowars 2.0: Lessons from the past, for the present
57 min

Cryptowars 2.0: Lessons from the past, for the present

It's not only Hollywood who is out of ideas

A trip to India
62 min

A trip to India

Hunting down a criminal call center

Failure modes of digital radios
23 min

Failure modes of digital radios

World radio spectrum domination through silicon control

SHA2017 Opening
23 min

SHA2017 Opening

Heaven is imperfect by design

TBM: Trusted boot module
53 min

TBM: Trusted boot module

NLNet sponsored (open hardware) trusted boot module

How the NSA tracks you
59 min

How the NSA tracks you

Perspective from the inside

Software Patents v3.0: the Unitary Patent Court
41 min

Software Patents v3.0: the Unitary Patent Court

Have we silently lost the battle against software patents…

33 min


How can we make sure that young people's voices are heard…