Search for "fh"

Rock' em Graphic Cards
56 min

Rock' em Graphic Cards

Introduction to Heterogeneous Parallel Programming

Console Security - Switch
56 min

Console Security - Switch

Homebrew on the Horizon

Talking Behind Your Back
59 min

Talking Behind Your Back

On the Privacy & Security of the Ultrasound Tracking…

Chaos Communication Slam
101 min

Chaos Communication Slam

Technische Liebesgedichte & Horrorgeschichten im…

The foodsaving grassroots movement
37 min

The foodsaving grassroots movement

How cooperative online structures can facilitate…

Delta Chat messenger
19 min

Delta Chat messenger

unlocking the potential of e-mail and the web

Internet censorship in the Catalan referendum
50 min

Internet censorship in the Catalan referendum

Overview of how the state censored and how it got…

From Maxwell to antenna arrays
53 min

From Maxwell to antenna arrays

How 150 year old equations still help to communicate

Simulating Universes
60 min

Simulating Universes

What Virtual Universes Can Tell Us About Our Own