Search for person "Andreas Dirks"
86 min
Because the future of defense is liberal application of math
53 min
Hackers need satellites. Hackers need internet over…
64 min
Why we will have more secure computers - tomorrow
48 min
To the Moon and back in two seconds. The joy of light speed…
55 min
Powered by MongoDB und RabbitMQ
51 min
Was passiert im Hintergrund?
46 min
Signal Intelligence selbstgemacht
105 min
Anforderungen an das maschinenlesbare Staatswesen
66 min
The Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications standard
60 min
Developments 2007, Outlook 2008
70 min
Die Wahrheit haben wir auch nicht, aber gute Mythen
45 min
Techniques and best practices to securely code your network…
61 min
Ethereal^W Wireshark without remote exploits - a proof of…
45 min
Any Technology Sufficiently Advanced is Indistinguishable…