25C3: nothing to hide

Full playlist: Video / Audio
Console Hacking 2008: Wii Fail
56 min

Console Hacking 2008: Wii Fail

Is implementation the enemy of design?

The Ultimate Commodore 64 Talk
61 min

The Ultimate Commodore 64 Talk

Everything about the C64 in 64 Minutes

Neusprech im Überwachungsstaat
70 min

Neusprech im Überwachungsstaat

Politikersprache zwischen Orwell und Online

Fnord News Show
50 min

Fnord News Show

Wir helfen Euch, die Fnords zu sehen

58 min


Wikileaks vs. the World

Handschellen hacken
61 min

Handschellen hacken

Essentielles Grundwissen für alle, die nichts zu verbergen…

Der Hackerparagraph 202c StGB
61 min

Der Hackerparagraph 202c StGB

Bestandsaufnahme und Auswirkungen

Hacker Jeopardy
103 min

Hacker Jeopardy

Die ultimative Hacker-Quizshow

54 min


Züchten 2.0

Security Nightmares 2009
94 min

Security Nightmares 2009

Oder: worüber wir nächstes Jahr lachen werden

Der elektronische Personalausweis
60 min

Der elektronische Personalausweis

Endlich wird jeder zum "Trusted Citizen"

66 min


The Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications standard

Advanced memory forensics: The Cold Boot Attacks
58 min

Advanced memory forensics: The Cold Boot Attacks

Recovering keys and other secrets after power off

Messing Around with Garage Doors
76 min

Messing Around with Garage Doors

Breaking Remote Keyless Entry Systems with Power Analysis

FAIFA: A first open source PLC tool
50 min

FAIFA: A first open source PLC tool

PowerLineCommunications has now their open source tool

Anatomy of smartphone hardware
56 min

Anatomy of smartphone hardware

Dissecting contemporary cellphone hardware

Flying for free
60 min

Flying for free

Exploiting the weather with unpowered aircraft

Hacking the iPhone
58 min

Hacking the iPhone

Pwning Apple's Mobile Internet Device

Algorithmic Music in a Box
51 min

Algorithmic Music in a Box

Doing music with microcontrollers

Building an international movement: hackerspaces.org
65 min

Building an international movement: hackerspaces.org

What we did so far. What will happen in the future.

Full-Disk-Encryption Crash-Course
48 min

Full-Disk-Encryption Crash-Course

Everything to hide

Das Grundrecht auf digitale Intimsphäre
55 min

Das Grundrecht auf digitale Intimsphäre

Festplattenbeschlagnahme in neuem Licht

Blinkenlights Stereoscope
65 min

Blinkenlights Stereoscope

Behind the scenes of the new light installation

OnionCat – A Tor-based Anonymous VPN
44 min

OnionCat – A Tor-based Anonymous VPN

Building an anonymous Internet within the Internet

Cisco IOS attack and defense
66 min

Cisco IOS attack and defense

The State of the Art

Life is a Holodeck!
67 min

Life is a Holodeck!

An overview of holographic techniques

The Infinite Library
58 min

The Infinite Library

Storage and Access of Pornographic Information

Attacking NFC mobile phones
82 min

Attacking NFC mobile phones

First look at the security of NFC mobile phones

Fnord News Show (English interpretation)
50 min

Fnord News Show (English interpretation)

We help in seeing teh Fnords

Beyond Asimov - Laws for Robots
49 min

Beyond Asimov - Laws for Robots

Developing rules for autonomous systems

125 min


Die Themen des CCC im Jahr 2008

TCP Denial of Service Vulnerabilities
30 min

TCP Denial of Service Vulnerabilities

Accepting the Partial Disclosure Challenge

Banking Malware 101
63 min

Banking Malware 101

Overview of Current Keylogger Threats

52 min


Forderungen nach dem Jahr der Datenverbrechen

An introduction to new stream cipher designs
46 min

An introduction to new stream cipher designs

Turning data into line noise and back

Erich Mühsams Tagebücher in der Festungshaft
51 min

Erich Mühsams Tagebücher in der Festungshaft

Ein Idylle aus der Analogsteinzeit der Überwachung

Embracing Post-Privacy
59 min

Embracing Post-Privacy

Optimism towards a future where there is "Nothing to hide"

coreboot: Beyond The Final Frontier
50 min

coreboot: Beyond The Final Frontier

Open source BIOS replacement with a radical approach to…

About Cyborgs and Gargoyles
44 min

About Cyborgs and Gargoyles

State of the Art in Wearable Computing

Solar-powering your Geek Gear
28 min

Solar-powering your Geek Gear

Alternative and mobile power for all your little toys

Soviet Unterzoegersdorf
71 min

Soviet Unterzoegersdorf

A Nation In Transit

Scalable Swarm Robotics
39 min

Scalable Swarm Robotics

Formica: a cheap, open research platform

Terrorist All-Stars
65 min

Terrorist All-Stars

Some cases of terrorism around the world that are not…

Repurposing the TI EZ430U
33 min

Repurposing the TI EZ430U

with msp430static, solder, and syringe

Tricks: makes you smile
35 min

Tricks: makes you smile

A clever or ingenious device or expedient; adroit…

eVoting after Nedap and Digital Pen
65 min

eVoting after Nedap and Digital Pen

Why cryptography might not fix the issue of transparent…

Attacking Rich Internet Applications
61 min

Attacking Rich Internet Applications

Not your mother's XSS bugs

Why technology sucks
44 min

Why technology sucks

If technology is the solution, politicians are the problem

Hacker Jeopardy (English interpretation)
102 min

Hacker Jeopardy (English interpretation)

The ultimative Hacker-Quizshow

All your base(s) are belong to us
55 min

All your base(s) are belong to us

Dawn of the high-throughput DNA sequencing era

Exploiting Symbian
63 min

Exploiting Symbian

Symbian Exploit and Shellcode Development

Objects as Software: The Coming Revolution
52 min

Objects as Software: The Coming Revolution

How RepRap and physical compilers will change the world as…

The Privacy Workshop Project
48 min

The Privacy Workshop Project

Enhancing the value of privacy in todays students view

49 min


The Hackerspace's Junior Academy

Vertex Hacking
48 min

Vertex Hacking

Reverse Engineering von 3D-Dateiformaten

SWF and the Malware Tragedy
48 min

SWF and the Malware Tragedy

Hide and Seek in A. Flash

Collapsing the European security architecture
58 min

Collapsing the European security architecture

More security-critical behaviour in Europe!

Security Nightmares 2009 (English interpretation)
92 min

Security Nightmares 2009 (English interpretation)

Or: about what we will laugh next year

Short Attention Span Security
53 min

Short Attention Span Security

A little of everything

Zehn Big Brother Awards in .at
57 min

Zehn Big Brother Awards in .at

Rückblick über eine bewegte Zeit

Squeezing Attack Traces
38 min

Squeezing Attack Traces

How to get useable information out of your honeypot

La Quadrature du Net - Campaigning on Telecoms Package
66 min

La Quadrature du Net - Campaigning on Telecoms Package

Pan-european activism for patching a "pirated" law

Not Soy Fast: Genetically Modified, Resource Greedy, and coming to a Supermarket Near You
48 min

Not Soy Fast: Genetically Modified, Resource Greedy, and coming to a Supermarket Near You

The silent march of the multinational GMO soy industry and…

Privacy in the social semantic web
45 min

Privacy in the social semantic web

Social networks based on XMPP

Rapid Prototype Your Life
57 min

Rapid Prototype Your Life

The time is now to make anything you can imagine

Just Estonia and Georgia?
44 min

Just Estonia and Georgia?

Global-scale Incident Response and Responders

The Trust Situation
60 min

The Trust Situation

Why the idea of data protection slowly turns out to be…

Lightning Talks Day3 - Morning
59 min

Lightning Talks Day3 - Morning

4 minutes of fame

Lightning Talks Day4
61 min

Lightning Talks Day4

4 minutes of fame

Lightning Talks Day2
51 min

Lightning Talks Day2

4 minutes of fame