Search for person "Andreas Jung"

BRAINREPUBLIC - Powered by MongoDB & Co.
55 min

BRAINREPUBLIC - Powered by MongoDB & Co.

Powered by MongoDB und RabbitMQ

Who can you trust?
64 min

Who can you trust?

A trust metric for the openSUSE buildservice

5 min


QGIS-Plugin zum Abgleich einer Trajektorie mit einem…

Medical imaging for dummies
49 min

Medical imaging for dummies

Basic concepts of medical imaging are explained and some…

Patente töten.
45 min

Patente töten.

Wie Politik und Pharma den gerechten Zugang zum Impfstoff…

The very early Computer Game History
53 min

The very early Computer Game History

How the games have become the first digital mass product

Bug class genocide
47 min

Bug class genocide

Applying science to eliminate 100% of buffer overflows

Pi-hole: Schwarzes Loch für Werbung
25 min

Pi-hole: Schwarzes Loch für Werbung

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