Search for person "Martin Schröder"

A way to fuzzy democracy
62 min

A way to fuzzy democracy

Using modern communication to transform the way we make…

Autodafé: An Act of Software Torture
38 min

Autodafé: An Act of Software Torture

Presentation of an innovative buffer overflow uncovering…

Finding and Preventing Buffer Overflows
45 min

Finding and Preventing Buffer Overflows

An overview of static and dynamic approaches

Hacking CCTV
56 min

Hacking CCTV

Watching the watchers, having fun with cctv cameras, making…

Bluetooth Hacking - The State of The Art
93 min

Bluetooth Hacking - The State of The Art

A roundup and live demonstrations of all currently known…

Lyrical I
46 min

Lyrical I

Abschluss des CCC-Poesie-Wettbewerbs