Search for person "Tobias Naumann"

The JPEG is dead! Long live the JPEG!
51 min

The JPEG is dead! Long live the JPEG!

A tour de force of major developments in open source image…

Music Production under GNU/Linux
44 min

Music Production under GNU/Linux

Free Culture made with Free Software

Lightning Talks I
34 min

Lightning Talks I

Routenplanung durch Flächen - Interaktive Visualisierung…

Civic Tech Inspirations
34 min

Civic Tech Inspirations

Jahr für Jahr wächst die Civic Tech Community in…

The Magic World of Searchable Symmetric Encryption
58 min

The Magic World of Searchable Symmetric Encryption

A brief introduction to search over encrypted data

SS7: Locate. Track. Manipulate.
60 min

SS7: Locate. Track. Manipulate.

You have a tracking device in your pocket

Cloud Storage Encryption with Cryptomator
57 min

Cloud Storage Encryption with Cryptomator

Cryptomator is a multi-platform, client-side encryption…

Eliminating DOM-based XSS
49 min

Eliminating DOM-based XSS

Or: How taint tracking in Chromium works

What's cooking in GNOME?
73 min

What's cooking in GNOME?

GNOME 3.12 - Design Decisions, Main Changes, Future Visions

Data Analysis and Visualization with Python
55 min

Data Analysis and Visualization with Python

Usage of Numpy, Pandas and Matplotlib for a personal…

55 min


Doing magic with PHP