Search for person "Jenny-Louise Becker"
53 min
Fakten, Mythen, Geschichte(n) und mögliche Zukünfte
43 min
Strategies and tactics to ‘hack’ public spaces and social…
36 min
Bringing an electronic project to market in kit form
43 min
Hell yeah, it's radiation science!
36 min
An introduction of some tools that help to answer this…
55 min
The future of space exploration
54 min
Making awesome stuff with FPGAs
27 min
Wait what? Why not digital?
61 min
Let's create the Arduino for FPGAs
48 min
Lets create the Arduino for FPGAs
27 min
Blaupause für den digitalen Kontrollstaat?
59 min
Hell yeah, it's Rocket Science 3.1415926535897932384626!