Search for person "Luca Obertüfer"

Developing on Aeon with Distrobox
20 min

Developing on Aeon with Distrobox

Distrobox as your development environment

eSIM management on Qualcomm phones
51 min

eSIM management on Qualcomm phones

Using an open-source and mainline Linux stack to work with…

ARMore: Pushing Love Back Into Binaries
38 min

ARMore: Pushing Love Back Into Binaries

Aarch64 binary rewriting adventures but mostly pains

The Fenrir Project
34 min

The Fenrir Project

Fixing Authentication and Transport protocols

CR251: Hass im Netz
120 min

CR251: Hass im Netz

Wie man die gesellschaftliche Debatte stärkt, ohne in die…