Search for person "DI"

Developing on Aeon with Distrobox
20 min

Developing on Aeon with Distrobox

Distrobox as your development environment

ARMore: Pushing Love Back Into Binaries
38 min

ARMore: Pushing Love Back Into Binaries

Aarch64 binary rewriting adventures but mostly pains

YaST – Yet another SUSE Talk?
18 min

YaST – Yet another SUSE Talk?

Or how are SUSE and the openSUSE community interacting…

JODI - Apache is functioning normally
31 min

JODI - Apache is functioning normally

A collective since 1995. Understanding the browser…

Virtual Classroom
28 min

Virtual Classroom

Eine mögliche Zukunft des Lernens

Subverting AJAX
53 min

Subverting AJAX

Next generation vulnerabilities in 2.0 Web Applications