Search for "fh"

3D Casting Aluminum
55 min

3D Casting Aluminum

Too Much Fun with Microwaves

Hacking EU funding for a decentralizing FOSS project
59 min

Hacking EU funding for a decentralizing FOSS project

Understanding and adapting EU legal guidelines from a FOSS…

Internet Cube
60 min

Internet Cube

Let's Build together a Free, Neutral and Decentralized…

History and implications of DRM
32 min

History and implications of DRM

From tractors to Web standards

GIFs: Tod eines Mediums. Und sein Leben nach dem Tod.
31 min

GIFs: Tod eines Mediums. Und sein Leben nach dem Tod.

Wie es kommt, dass technischer Fortschritt den Nutzern…

Nerds in the news
31 min

Nerds in the news

Spending a year coding in a newsroom

The Moon and European Space Exploration
32 min

The Moon and European Space Exploration

Refocusing on the moon as a platform for future deep space…

Law Enforcement Are Hacking the Planet
31 min

Law Enforcement Are Hacking the Planet

How the FBI and local cops are hacking computers outside of…

Hirne Hacken
43 min

Hirne Hacken

Menschliche Faktoren der IT-Sicherheit

Antipatterns und Missverständnisse in der Softwareentwicklung
33 min

Antipatterns und Missverständnisse in der Softwareentwicklung

Eine Geschichte voller Missverständnisse

The Universe Is, Like, Seriously Huge
32 min

The Universe Is, Like, Seriously Huge

Stuff in Space Is Far Away – but How Do We Know?