Search for "fh"

3 Years After Snowden: Is Germany fighting State Surveillance?
64 min

3 Years After Snowden: Is Germany fighting State Surveillance?

A Closer Look at the Political Reactions to Mass…

Conquering Large Numbers at the LHC
41 min

Conquering Large Numbers at the LHC

From 1 000 000 000 000 000 to 10: Breaking down 14 Orders…

The Critical Making Movement
60 min

The Critical Making Movement

How using critical thinking in technological practice can…

3D printing on the moon
55 min

3D printing on the moon

The future of space exploration

Free Electron Lasers
59 min

Free Electron Lasers

...or why we need 17 billion Volts to make a picture.

Uncaging Microchips
61 min

Uncaging Microchips

Techniques for Chip Preparation

Craft, leisure, and end-user innovation
32 min

Craft, leisure, and end-user innovation

How hacking is conceived in social science research

The GNU Name System
51 min

The GNU Name System

A Decentralized PKI For Social Movements

Cyber all the Wassenaars
58 min

Cyber all the Wassenaars

Export controls and exploit regulations: braindead and…

HAL - The Open-Source Hardware Analyzer
60 min

HAL - The Open-Source Hardware Analyzer

A dive into the foundations of hardware reverse engineering…

Triggering Deep Vulnerabilities Using Symbolic Execution
45 min

Triggering Deep Vulnerabilities Using Symbolic Execution

Deep program analysis without the headache

60 min


Decentralizing semiconductor manufacturing