Search for "USA)"

Keys of Fury
25 min

Keys of Fury

Type In Beyond the Scrolling Horizon

James Bond und der Computer
25 min

James Bond und der Computer

Techniken zum Ausspähen von historischen Computersystemen…

Remote headless Wayland sessions on GNOME
21 min

Remote headless Wayland sessions on GNOME

Talk about the work I've been doing in the last year

Der Pfad von 4G zu 5G
60 min

Der Pfad von 4G zu 5G

Die Luftschnittstelle und das Core im Wandel der Zahlen

Culture Hacking and Evolutionary Technologies
57 min

Culture Hacking and Evolutionary Technologies

Considered, Synthesized, Digested, and Defecated.

Ignorance and Peace Narratives in Cyberspace
30 min

Ignorance and Peace Narratives in Cyberspace

Cloud Computing, Assessment, and Fools like Me.

Fuzzing in the corporate world
53 min

Fuzzing in the corporate world

The use of fuzzing in the corporate world over the years…

Universal Serial Bus
41 min

Universal Serial Bus

A very basic Introduction

Introduction to SecureShare
20 min

Introduction to SecureShare

A peer-to-peer, end-to-end encrypted social networking…