Search for "caro"

All cops are broadcasting
63 min

All cops are broadcasting

TETRA unlocked after decades in the shadows

Union Busting
42 min

Union Busting

What is it and why you should care

Open source is just about the source, isn't it?
55 min

Open source is just about the source, isn't it?

Stuff your open source project needs to care about that…

PyPy - the new Python implementation on the block
61 min

PyPy - the new Python implementation on the block

Language/VM R&D, whole program type inference, translation…

Vehicle immobilization revisited
55 min

Vehicle immobilization revisited

Uncovering and assessing a second authentication mechanism…

Security in the cardholder data processing?!
71 min

Security in the cardholder data processing?!

Experiences and lessons learned with the Payment Card…

Ethics in the data society
35 min

Ethics in the data society

Power and politics in the development of the driverless car

Chip and PIN is Broken
57 min

Chip and PIN is Broken

Vulnerabilities in the EMV Protocol