Search for person "Simon Schneider"

Eavesdropping on the Dark Cosmos
33 min

Eavesdropping on the Dark Cosmos

Dark Matter and Gravitational Waves

Mensch - Kunst – Maschine
62 min

Mensch - Kunst – Maschine

Mit künstlicher Intelligenz zu neuer Kunst zum…

Urban Mobility Accessibility Computer (UrMoAC)
27 min

Urban Mobility Accessibility Computer (UrMoAC)

Open Source Tool zur Berechnung von Erreichbarkeitsmaßen

Enlightenment? What is it? Why should you use it?
30 min

Enlightenment? What is it? Why should you use it?

An Introduction to the most used Linux Desktop*

Decoding Contactless (Card) Payments
58 min

Decoding Contactless (Card) Payments

An Exploration of NFC Transactions and Explanation How…

Wireless Kernel Tweaking
63 min

Wireless Kernel Tweaking

or how B.A.T.M.A.N. learned to fly