Search for person "John Scott-Railton"

Million Dollar Dissidents and the Rest of Us
53 min

Million Dollar Dissidents and the Rest of Us

Uncovering Nation-State Mobile Espionage in the Wild

Culture Hacking and Evolutionary Technologies
57 min

Culture Hacking and Evolutionary Technologies

Considered, Synthesized, Digested, and Defecated.

Satellite Open Ground Station Network
25 min

Satellite Open Ground Station Network

open source ground station, optimized for modularity, built…

Computer Science in the DPRK
33 min

Computer Science in the DPRK

A view into technology on the other side of the world

Music on Mars?
37 min

Music on Mars?

A Musical Adventure for Astronauts and the Space Cadets Who…

Wrangling Git
50 min

Wrangling Git

Git power tips for the intermediate Git user

115 min


European premiere of the documentary film on Interactive…