Search for person "Frank Neumann"

eCall - Lebensretter oder Datenwanze im Auto?
35 min

eCall - Lebensretter oder Datenwanze im Auto?

Chancen und Risiken des neuen automatischen PKW-Notrufs

Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware
43 min

Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

die eierlegende Wollmilchsau

kanku - Bridging the gap between OBS and developers
17 min

kanku - Bridging the gap between OBS and developers

A convenient way to work with your OBS built images

Vehicular Communication and VANETs
62 min

Vehicular Communication and VANETs

The future and security of communicating vehicles

Beyond Asimov - Laws for Robots
49 min

Beyond Asimov - Laws for Robots

Developing rules for autonomous systems

97 min


Backups mal richtig

A Solution to the Backup Inconvenience
55 min

A Solution to the Backup Inconvenience

Fast, Secure and Efficient Backups with "restic"

Logbuch:Netzpolitik 311
58 min

Logbuch:Netzpolitik 311

I love you but I have chosen Datenschutz