A Hacker's Guide to Healthcare: How to Improve Lives with Data

Lars Roemheld

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Health related personal data is highly sensitive -- and yet it promises an outright methodology shift for the surprisingly conservative healthcare system. This talk provides an overview of beneficial uses of health data, and formulates ways to get involved to make sure the benefits are reaped in a conscientious manner.

Healthcare is rapidly becoming digital: security and data privacy call for active participation. But so do questions of quantified fairness and certification of digital medical devices. Hackers can play a crucial part to ensure this benefits patients and citizens, by championing data transparency and standards of evidence. My talk will outline ways to get creative with data beyond scrutinizing governments on information security.

For the past year I worked for the German Ministry of Health's in-house think tank (hih) as an advisor on artificial intelligence. I will present my personal views, not those of the Federal Government.



