Search for "Alexis"

Why do we need an open food information platform
39 min

Why do we need an open food information platform

We want all data about food to be linked and public

54 min


Cooking gets digital

Internet of toilets
35 min

Internet of toilets

Trends in the sanitarian territory

30 min


Afrofuturism, Telling tales of speculative futures

Netzpolitischer Wetterbericht 2018
42 min

Netzpolitischer Wetterbericht 2018

Die Höhen und Tiefen der deutschen und europäischen…

Modern key distribution with ClaimChain
32 min

Modern key distribution with ClaimChain

A decentralized Public Key Infrastructure that supports…

07KINGSTON25 JAMAICA: MALARIA UPDATE Dispatches from Fort Meade
58 min

07KINGSTON25 JAMAICA: MALARIA UPDATE Dispatches from Fort Meade

Reporting on the secret trial of Chelsea Manning

De-anonymizing Programmers
59 min

De-anonymizing Programmers

Large Scale Authorship Attribution from Executable Binaries…