Search for "Thore"

Project: Egkatastasis
30 min

Project: Egkatastasis

Testing package installation using containers

Using BPF in Kubernetes
23 min

Using BPF in Kubernetes

Linux superpowers in the cloud

22 min


Automatic proxy configuration

Is my system fast?
36 min

Is my system fast?

An introduction of some tools that help to answer this…

Installing openSUSE only with SaltStack
58 min

Installing openSUSE only with SaltStack

Using Salt as an alternative to AutoYaST

One map to map them all
37 min

One map to map them all

Why MissingMaps saves lives, and how to help

Are all BSDs created equally?
58 min

Are all BSDs created equally?

A survey of BSD kernel vulnerabilities.

A way to fuzzy democracy
62 min

A way to fuzzy democracy

Using modern communication to transform the way we make…