Search for "fh"

48 min


performant cross platform development using modern…

Sendezentrum: Who Killed The Internet?
46 min

Sendezentrum: Who Killed The Internet?

And a promising alternative for Public Communication and…

Hurra, diese Welt geht unter!?
39 min

Hurra, diese Welt geht unter!?

Welche kollektiven Erzählungen brauchen wir, um in der…

Die Akte Xandr
42 min

Die Akte Xandr

Ein tiefer Blick in den Abgrund der Datenindustrie

DevOps but for artworks in museums
61 min

DevOps but for artworks in museums

A look into pipelines ending in museums and not in the cloud

Hacking the Climate
40 min

Hacking the Climate

Mit Climate Engineering raus aus der Klimakrise?

How Many Planets in Our Solar System? Glad You Asked!
61 min

How Many Planets in Our Solar System? Glad You Asked!

How Astronomy Knew 6 Planets, Then Found 20 More, Then Went…

Hirne hacken: Hackback Edition
61 min

Hirne hacken: Hackback Edition

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