Search for "tor"

Code for Germany - Digitale Werkzeuge für die Zivilgesellschaft
37 min

Code for Germany - Digitale Werkzeuge für die Zivilgesellschaft

Digitale Werkzeuge für Bürger*innen auf Basis offener Daten

Hello? I have an order for I.C. Wiener.
23 min

Hello? I have an order for I.C. Wiener.

Wenn Spracherkennung zu Identitätsdiebstahl führt.

Using Qt Creator For Desktop And Embedded Development
50 min

Using Qt Creator For Desktop And Embedded Development

Creating Nice Interfaces With C++ And Declarative UI

coreboot: Adding support for a system near you
70 min

coreboot: Adding support for a system near you

Working with the open source BIOS replacement and getting a…

From watercolors to mechs:
25 min

From watercolors to mechs:

Stylized rendering and asset pipelines in Godot

Speaking Fiction To Power
43 min

Speaking Fiction To Power

Strategies and tactics to ‘hack’ public spaces and social…

From Fine to Fantastic
52 min

From Fine to Fantastic

Beyond Static Sound Design

Adding Salt to AutoYaST
28 min

Adding Salt to AutoYaST

Integration between AutoYaST and Configuration Management…

Welcome to the Anthropocene?
28 min

Welcome to the Anthropocene?

(Did) We Accidentally a New Geological Epoch(?)