Search for "big data"
58 min
Physically Unclonable Functions for Hardware Tamper…
61 min
... or how we battle the daemons of memory safety
29 min
Shipped from Germany for 0.1412554 Bitcoins
77 min
Inclusive and Diverse Spaces and Communities
53 min
Amiga Hardware Design And Programming
30 min
Journalism ♥ Computer Science
63 min
exploring two decades of transport layer insecurity
62 min
A century of secret deals between the NSA and the telecom…
60 min
On the Awesomeness of Particle Accelerators and Colliders
60 min
Evaluating a complex cryptographic implementation
43 min
Analysing the terminology of the UK’s Snooper’s Charter
56 min
How soft and hardware can play a key role in saving lives…
61 min
A look into pipelines ending in museums and not in the cloud
58 min
Export controls and exploit regulations: braindead and…
58 min
Reporting on the secret trial of Chelsea Manning
50 min
Overview of how the state censored and how it got…
60 min
Underestimating the dangers of designing a protection system