Search for "Lovis"

Ecstasy 10x yellow Twitter 120mg Mdma
29 min

Ecstasy 10x yellow Twitter 120mg Mdma

Shipped from Germany for 0.1412554 Bitcoins

Open Code Verlesung
44 min

Open Code Verlesung

Lesung des öffentlichen Sourcecodes

Social Cooling - big data’s unintended side effect
34 min

Social Cooling - big data’s unintended side effect

How the reputation economy is creating data-driven…

The Snowden Refugees under Surveillance in Hong Kong
66 min

The Snowden Refugees under Surveillance in Hong Kong

A Rapidly Emerging Police State and Imminent Deportation to…

A Data Point Walks Into a Bar
32 min

A Data Point Walks Into a Bar

How cold data can make you feel things.

Do You Think That's Funny?
54 min

Do You Think That's Funny?

Art Practice under the Regime of Anti-Terror Legislation

Synthetic Sentience
63 min

Synthetic Sentience

Can Artificial Intelligence become conscious?