32C3: gated communities

Ethics, Society & Politics

Full playlist: Video / Audio
Sin in the time of Technology
60 min

Sin in the time of Technology

How social media companies are creating a global morality…

Crypto Wars Part II
60 min

Crypto Wars Part II

The Empires Strike Back

A New Kid on the Block
62 min

A New Kid on the Block

Conditions for a Successful Market Entry of Decentralized…

Grundrechte gelten nicht im Weltall!
69 min

Grundrechte gelten nicht im Weltall!

Die absurdesten Szenen aus dem…

Technology and Mass Atrocity Prevention
32 min

Technology and Mass Atrocity Prevention

Overview on Current Efforts - We Need Moar H4x0rs?!

Österreich: Der Kampf gegen unkontrollierte Massenüberwachung
60 min

Österreich: Der Kampf gegen unkontrollierte Massenüberwachung

Geheimdienste kontrolliert man am besten, indem man ihre…

60 min


Calling secret service agents to quit their jobs

Prediction and Control
60 min

Prediction and Control

Watching Algorithms

Ten years after ‚We Lost The War‘
61 min

Ten years after ‚We Lost The War‘

The future does not look much brighter than ten years ago.…

The architecture of a street level panopticon
61 min

The architecture of a street level panopticon

How drones, IMSI Catchers, and cameras are shaping our…

Safe Harbor
60 min

Safe Harbor

The Price Of Dissent
62 min

The Price Of Dissent

The surveillance state & modern day COINTELPRO tactics

Graphs, Drones & Phones
55 min

Graphs, Drones & Phones

The role of social-graphs for Drones in the War on Terror.

„Nach bestem Wissen und Gewissen“ – Floskeln in der Politik
60 min

„Nach bestem Wissen und Gewissen“ – Floskeln in der Politik

Politische Phrasologie – warum man aus dem ganzen Zeug, das…

Das Zahnrad aus Fleisch
60 min

Das Zahnrad aus Fleisch

Expeditionen ins Kommentierreich

Ecuador: how an authoritarian government is fooling the entire world
51 min

Ecuador: how an authoritarian government is fooling the entire world

Guess what? The Government of Rafael Correa actually is…

One year of securitarian drift in France
27 min

One year of securitarian drift in France

From the Bill on Intelligence to the State of Emergency

Lessons learned: Freifunk für Geflüchtete
60 min

Lessons learned: Freifunk für Geflüchtete

1 Jahr Freifunk in Südhessen

Profiling (In)justice
60 min

Profiling (In)justice

Disaggregating Data by Race and Ethnicity to Curb…

Ein Abgrund von Landesverrat
60 min

Ein Abgrund von Landesverrat

Wie es dazu kam und was daraus zu lernen ist

Cyber all the Wassenaars
58 min

Cyber all the Wassenaars

Export controls and exploit regulations: braindead and…

Buffering sucks!
60 min

Buffering sucks!

An attempt of calculating the economic cost of buffering.

Net Neutrality in Europe
61 min

Net Neutrality in Europe

alea iacta est

Lifting the Fog on Red Star OS
60 min

Lifting the Fog on Red Star OS

A deep dive into the surveillance features of North Korea's…

The exhaust emissions scandal („Dieselgate“)
65 min

The exhaust emissions scandal („Dieselgate“)

Take a deep breath into pollution trickery

Avoiding kernel panic: Europe’s biggest fails in digital policy-making
61 min

Avoiding kernel panic: Europe’s biggest fails in digital policy-making

How the institutions fuck up, and how we fuck it up as well

Hacking EU funding for a decentralizing FOSS project
59 min

Hacking EU funding for a decentralizing FOSS project

Understanding and adapting EU legal guidelines from a FOSS…