Search for "USA)"

Social cooling
33 min

Social cooling

How the reputation economy is turning us into conformists

Inside Field Station Berlin Teufelsberg
55 min

Inside Field Station Berlin Teufelsberg

The story of the NSA listening post – told by an ex-SIGINT…

It Always Feels Like the Five Eyes Are Watching You
64 min

It Always Feels Like the Five Eyes Are Watching You

Five Eyes’ Quest For Security Has Given Us Widespread…

DG90: MNT Reform
54 min

DG90: MNT Reform

Der neue offene Computer durchleuchtet

Estonia and information warfare
71 min

Estonia and information warfare

What really happened in Estonia, and what does it mean to…

gpg4libre - OpenPGP signing & encryption in LibreOffice
54 min

gpg4libre - OpenPGP signing & encryption in LibreOffice

Transparently and securely use your existing keys to sign…

3D Casting Aluminum
55 min

3D Casting Aluminum

Too Much Fun with Microwaves

Apple's iPhone 15: Under the C
36 min

Apple's iPhone 15: Under the C

Hardware hacking tooling for the new iPhone generation

Chip and PIN is Broken
57 min

Chip and PIN is Broken

Vulnerabilities in the EMV Protocol

A look into the Mobile Messaging Black Box
63 min

A look into the Mobile Messaging Black Box

A gentle introduction to mobile messaging and subsequent…

Zombie Apocalypse vs. International Health Regulations
42 min

Zombie Apocalypse vs. International Health Regulations

Introducing a very important piece of international law and…

Mobile devices and openSUSE, is it posible?
30 min

Mobile devices and openSUSE, is it posible?

It is time to check if we can use a mobile device with a…