Search for "intel me"

Disclosure DOs, Disclosure DON'Ts
44 min

Disclosure DOs, Disclosure DON'Ts

Pragmatic Advice for Security Researchers

Building a high throughput low-latency PCIe based SDR
60 min

Building a high throughput low-latency PCIe based SDR

Lessons learnt implementing PCIe on FPGA for XTRX Software…

Inside Field Station Berlin Teufelsberg
55 min

Inside Field Station Berlin Teufelsberg

The story of the NSA listening post – told by an ex-SIGINT…

48 min


performant cross platform development using modern…

Hardening hardware and choosing a #goodBIOS
47 min

Hardening hardware and choosing a #goodBIOS

Clean boot every boot - rejecting persistence of malicious…

Virtual Secure Boot
51 min

Virtual Secure Boot

Secure Boot support in qemu, kvm and ovmf.

The Ultimate Amiga 500 Talk
53 min

The Ultimate Amiga 500 Talk

Amiga Hardware Design And Programming

Security Nightmares
90 min

Security Nightmares

Damit Sie auch morgen schlecht von Ihrem Computer träumen.…

Hillbilly Tracking of Low Earth Orbit
47 min

Hillbilly Tracking of Low Earth Orbit

Repurposing an Inmarsat Dish

62 min


… und das Rennen um den schnellsten Computer der Welt

BLUFFS: Bluetooth Forward and Future Secrecy Attacks and Defenses
59 min

BLUFFS: Bluetooth Forward and Future Secrecy Attacks and Defenses

Breaking and fixing the Bluetooth standard. One More Time.

Attacking Chrome IPC
54 min

Attacking Chrome IPC

Reliably finding bugs to escape the Chrome sandbox

42 min


Real-world exploits and mitigations in Large Language Model…

Code Pointer Integrity
61 min

Code Pointer Integrity

... or how we battle the daemons of memory safety