Search for "Hugo"

Our daily job: hacking the law
55 min

Our daily job: hacking the law

The key elements of policy hacking

A mobile phone that respects your freedom
45 min

A mobile phone that respects your freedom

Experiences and lessons learned from 2 years of development…

Eavesdropping on the Dark Cosmos
33 min

Eavesdropping on the Dark Cosmos

Dark Matter and Gravitational Waves

54 min


What the WTO Treaty did in Hongkong and what that means for…

An Elevator to the Moon (and back)
61 min

An Elevator to the Moon (and back)

Space Transportation and the Extraterrestrial Imperative

Ecuador: how an authoritarian government is fooling the entire world
51 min

Ecuador: how an authoritarian government is fooling the entire world

Guess what? The Government of Rafael Correa actually is…