Search for "Marie Moe"

Modern key distribution with ClaimChain
32 min

Modern key distribution with ClaimChain

A decentralized Public Key Infrastructure that supports…

Inside the Fake Like Factories
60 min

Inside the Fake Like Factories

How thousands of Facebook, You Tube and Instagram pages…

Mastering the Maze
20 min

Mastering the Maze

Unleashing Reinforcement Learning in Penetration Testing…

Open Source Estrogen
58 min

Open Source Estrogen

From molecular colonization to molecular collaboration

55 min


A gentle introduction to elliptic-curve cryptography

Theater und Quantenzeitalter
57 min

Theater und Quantenzeitalter

„Die Parallelwelt“- Das Schauspiel Dortmund und die…

Deconstructing a Socialist Lawnmower
56 min

Deconstructing a Socialist Lawnmower

Obsolete Technologies + Critical Material Studies in Media…

Ecocide and (green) colonialism in Sápmi
42 min

Ecocide and (green) colonialism in Sápmi

Data centers on indigenous land in Northern Europe