Search for person "Sebastian Drost"

Teaching machines new tricks
53 min

Teaching machines new tricks

Machine learning: Silver bullet or route to evil?

23 min


Metadaten manuell erzeugen war gestern

hacking disaster
35 min

hacking disaster

mit Krisenintervention den Kapitalismus hacken

Microservice Toolbox
63 min

Microservice Toolbox

Building blocks for your next microservice platform

Safe and Secure Drivers in High-Level Languages
61 min

Safe and Secure Drivers in High-Level Languages

How to write PCIe drivers in Rust, go, C#, Swift, Haskell,…

Open source is just about the source, isn't it?
55 min

Open source is just about the source, isn't it?

Stuff your open source project needs to care about that…