Lightning Poster Talks

Patricia Solís, Everton Bortolini and Patricia Solís

Playlists: 'sotm2019' videos starting here / audio / related events

Workforce Development and YouthMappers: Understanding perceptions of students in humanitarian mapping.

Patricia Solís and Sushil Rajagopalan

The study tried to understand how and to what extent particular extracurricular (informal) activities through YouthMappers could impact workforce preparation and perceptions among students globally engaged in humanitarian mapping.

Contextualizing OpenStreetMap in Mapping Favelas in Brazil

Everton Bortolini and Silvana Philippi

Favelas in Brazil are spaces with unique characteristics and need to be mapped. Can OpenStreetMap be an alternative tool for this?

How Knowing the Purpose of Mapping Changes the Map and the Mappers Themselves

Patricia Solís

YouthMappers engages university students in humanitarian mapping which provides a potentially valuable learning experience beyond creating the open map. It may also pique new mappers’ interest, satisfaction, and confidence in spatial technologies as well as interest in the people and places that are served by humanitarian mapping projects. This presentation shares findings of a recently published study assessing how contextual information about the purpose of the humanitarian mapping task affects mapping and mappers themselves.


