Search for "Owen Taylor"

3D printing on the moon
55 min

3D printing on the moon

The future of space exploration

PUFs, protection, privacy, PRNGs
31 min

PUFs, protection, privacy, PRNGs

an overview of physically unclonable functions

Music on Mars?
37 min

Music on Mars?

A Musical Adventure for Astronauts and the Space Cadets Who…

Science Slam
38 min

Science Slam

Weltrettung braucht Wissenschaft

Graphs, Drones & Phones
55 min

Graphs, Drones & Phones

The role of social-graphs for Drones in the War on Terror.

Public Library/Memory of the World
62 min

Public Library/Memory of the World

Access to knowledge for every member of society

Are machines feminine?
60 min

Are machines feminine?

exploring the relations between design and perception of…

Console Security - Switch
56 min

Console Security - Switch

Homebrew on the Horizon

Craft, leisure, and end-user innovation
32 min

Craft, leisure, and end-user innovation

How hacking is conceived in social science research

The DROWN Attack
55 min

The DROWN Attack

Breaking TLS using SSLv2