Search for "fh"

Das Zahnrad aus Fleisch
60 min

Das Zahnrad aus Fleisch

Expeditionen ins Kommentierreich

Open Source Estrogen
58 min

Open Source Estrogen

From molecular colonization to molecular collaboration

Uncaging Microchips
61 min

Uncaging Microchips

Techniques for Chip Preparation

Craft, leisure, and end-user innovation
32 min

Craft, leisure, and end-user innovation

How hacking is conceived in social science research

Tell no-one
62 min

Tell no-one

A century of secret deals between the NSA and the telecom…

61 min


why clearing memory is hard.

Practical Mix Network Design
46 min

Practical Mix Network Design

Strong metadata protection for asynchronous messaging

In Search of Evidence-Based IT-Security
30 min

In Search of Evidence-Based IT-Security

IT security is largely a science-free field. This needs to…

58 min


Decoding The Cultures of Hacking One Video at a Time

Telescope Making
69 min

Telescope Making

How to make your own telescope

Graphs, Drones & Phones
55 min

Graphs, Drones & Phones

The role of social-graphs for Drones in the War on Terror.

Let's Encrypt
62 min

Let's Encrypt

A Free Robotic Certificate Authority

Inside the Fake Like Factories
60 min

Inside the Fake Like Factories

How thousands of Facebook, You Tube and Instagram pages…