Search for "Arne Claus"

Infocalypse now: P0wning stuff is not enough
29 min

Infocalypse now: P0wning stuff is not enough

Several failure modes of the hacker scene

Computer Science in the DPRK
33 min

Computer Science in the DPRK

A view into technology on the other side of the world

50 min


The sumo robot fight for the technically ungifted

Domain Name System
42 min

Domain Name System

Hierarchical decentralized naming system used since 30 years

Deep Learning Blindspots
53 min

Deep Learning Blindspots

Tools for Fooling the "Black Box"

Make the Internet Neutral Again
31 min

Make the Internet Neutral Again

Let's put the new EU Net Neutrality rules to work

Taming the Chaos: Can we build systems that actually work?
58 min

Taming the Chaos: Can we build systems that actually work?

Possible paths from today's ghastly hackery to what…

Exploiting PHP7 unserialize
44 min

Exploiting PHP7 unserialize

teaching a new dog old tricks

Hacking German Elections
63 min

Hacking German Elections

Insecure Electronic Vote Counting - How It Returned and Why…