Search for "Loic"

Cryptocurrency Hardware Wallets
62 min

Cryptocurrency Hardware Wallets

Building the First Monero Hardware Wallet

The impact of quantum computers in cybersecurity
38 min

The impact of quantum computers in cybersecurity

Estimating the costs of algorithms for attacks and defense…

Modchips of the State
36 min

Modchips of the State

Hardware implants in the supply-chain

Harry Potter and the Not-So-Smart Proxy War
35 min

Harry Potter and the Not-So-Smart Proxy War

Taking a look at a covert CIA virtual fencing solution

Apple's iPhone 15: Under the C
36 min

Apple's iPhone 15: Under the C

Hardware hacking tooling for the new iPhone generation

HAL - The Open-Source Hardware Analyzer
60 min

HAL - The Open-Source Hardware Analyzer

A dive into the foundations of hardware reverse engineering…

Reverse engineering FPGAs
42 min

Reverse engineering FPGAs

Dissecting FPGAs from bottom up, extracting schematics and…

SELECT code_execution FROM * USING SQLite;
46 min

SELECT code_execution FROM * USING SQLite;

--Gaining code execution using a malicious SQLite database