Search for "robot"

Game of Robots
21 min

Game of Robots

Irgendwas mit Robotern nebeneinander

Beyond Asimov - Laws for Robots
49 min

Beyond Asimov - Laws for Robots

Developing rules for autonomous systems

How (not) to build autonomous robots
54 min

How (not) to build autonomous robots

Fables from building a startup in Silicon Valley

Android OS: Non-Root Packet Capturing
32 min

Android OS: Non-Root Packet Capturing

Network Packet Capturing per VPN Schnittstelle

Rowhammer.js: Root privileges for web apps?
30 min

Rowhammer.js: Root privileges for web apps?

A tale of fault attacks on DRAM and attacks on CPU caches

Art Tech Activism Privacy and Cool Robots
50 min

Art Tech Activism Privacy and Cool Robots

Not only hackers do Security, Privacy and Hacking. Want to…

23 min


A sumo style robot battle for intentionally crappy robots!

SIGKILL imminent
69 min

SIGKILL imminent

Novel Robot Uprising Mitigation Strategies

Scalable Swarm Robotics
39 min

Scalable Swarm Robotics

Formica: a cheap, open research platform