Search for "Nico Bach"

Apple's iPhone 15: Under the C
36 min

Apple's iPhone 15: Under the C

Hardware hacking tooling for the new iPhone generation

Der Weisheit
83 min

Der Weisheit

Eine Stunde Lebenskunde - 10. Staffelfinale

Nougatbytes 11₂
107 min

Nougatbytes 11₂

Die geekige Wort- & Bilderrätselspielshau ist zuЯück

How to build a submarine and survive
59 min

How to build a submarine and survive

Wie wir mit begrenzten Mitteln ein U-Boot gebaut haben und…

Deploying TLS 1.3: the great, the good and the bad
61 min

Deploying TLS 1.3: the great, the good and the bad

Improving the encrypted the web, one round-trip at a time

How to Hack Your Way to Space
61 min

How to Hack Your Way to Space

Bringing the Hacker Mindset to the Space Ecosphere - The…

Operation Triangulation
58 min

Operation Triangulation

What You Get When Attack iPhones of Researchers

37C3 Infrastructure Review
71 min

37C3 Infrastructure Review

Teams presenting how they helped making this awesome event

What is this? A machine learning model for ants?
40 min

What is this? A machine learning model for ants?

How to shrink deep learning models, and why you would want…