Search for person "Sebastian Drost"

The DROWN Attack
55 min

The DROWN Attack

Breaking TLS using SSLv2

Last- und Performancetests in der Cloud?!
57 min

Last- und Performancetests in der Cloud?!

Warum Performancetesting in Zeiten der Cloud immer noch…

golang rockt!
65 min

golang rockt!

Meine neue Lieblingssprache: golang

55 min


Open Source Podcast Audio Chain

Make your tests fail
42 min

Make your tests fail

How randomisation adds a whole new dimension to finding…

Commits statt Zeit
32 min

Commits statt Zeit

Das git-gewahre Performance-Dashboard gipeda

Docker in Produktion
68 min

Docker in Produktion

Warum und Wie wir Docker einsetzen

Your search doesn’t work
61 min

Your search doesn’t work

How to find out whether or not the search box you offer…

Cloud Storage Encryption with Cryptomator
57 min

Cloud Storage Encryption with Cryptomator

Cryptomator is a multi-platform, client-side encryption…

Revisiting SSL/TLS Implementations
55 min

Revisiting SSL/TLS Implementations

New Bleichenbacher Side Channels and Attacks

Micro Services
59 min

Micro Services

Vertical thinking for a simple architecture!