Search for person "Robert van der Stel"

PUFs, protection, privacy, PRNGs
31 min

PUFs, protection, privacy, PRNGs

an overview of physically unclonable functions

A world without blockchain
42 min

A world without blockchain

How (inter)national money transfers works

Smart, safe & happy
53 min

Smart, safe & happy

ensuring civil rights in the digital era

Container for Desktops
61 min

Container for Desktops

Security und Privacy mit LXC - auch auf…

TBM: Trusted boot module
53 min

TBM: Trusted boot module

NLNet sponsored (open hardware) trusted boot module

VGrade - Tux Grades Videos
57 min

VGrade - Tux Grades Videos

A command line-based tool for high quality color grading…

Terraforming Planet Earth
58 min

Terraforming Planet Earth

Practical terraforming technologies for regenerating soils…

Avoiding kernel panic: Europe’s biggest fails in digital policy-making
61 min

Avoiding kernel panic: Europe’s biggest fails in digital policy-making

How the institutions fuck up, and how we fuck it up as well

Space Hacker
62 min

Space Hacker

Uploading rover...

Long war tactics
28 min

Long war tactics

or how we learned to stop worrying and love the NSA