Chaos Communication Camp 2011

Hacker Space Program

Full playlist: Video
A modern manifest of cyberspace
40 min

A modern manifest of cyberspace

The internet is dead, long live the internet

57 min


Design and implementation of flight electronics

From OSCAR 1 to Mars and beyond
61 min

From OSCAR 1 to Mars and beyond

Amateur Space Exploration – The last 50 years, now, and the…

Hybrid rocket engines
52 min

Hybrid rocket engines

Design and implementation of rocket engines with two-phase…

Inertial navigation
37 min

Inertial navigation

Rigid body dynamics and its application to dead reckoning

Introduction to Satellite Communications
71 min

Introduction to Satellite Communications

the joy and challange of operating satellite communication…

Life foods
61 min

Life foods

Benefits of use of microbial fermentations in food and…

Moonbounce Radio Communication
48 min

Moonbounce Radio Communication

To the Moon and back in two seconds. The joy of light speed…

56 min


A (Hacker) Space Art Project

Open source photovoltaics
30 min

Open source photovoltaics

power for off-grid devices

Rocket propulsion basics
68 min

Rocket propulsion basics

An introduction to rocket engines and their application for…

Solid rocket engines
53 min

Solid rocket engines

Design and implementation of engines with solid propellant

Space Debris
50 min

Space Debris

Simulation of orbital debris and its impacts on space travel

Strahlung im Weltall
43 min

Strahlung im Weltall

Hell yeah, it's radiation science!

53 min


Real-time communication during rocket flight

The "Arguna" rocket family
51 min

The "Arguna" rocket family

An overview of our recent sounding rocket campaigns

Wie finanziere ich eine Mondmission?
47 min

Wie finanziere ich eine Mondmission?

Von Würstchen verkaufen bis Ballonflüge – ein…