37C3: Unlocked


Full playlist: Video / Audio

The 37th Chaos Communication Congress (37C3) takes place in Hamburg, 27.-30.12.2023, and is the 2023 edition of the annual four-day conference on technology, society and utopia organised by the Chaos Computer Club (CCC) and volunteers. Congress offers lectures and workshops and various events on a multitude of topics including (but not limited to) information technology and generally a critical-creative attitude towards technology and the discussion about the effects of technological advances on society.
Och Menno
39 min

Och Menno

Military Grade Bullshit

Rückkanal bei der Podcasterei:
82 min

Rückkanal bei der Podcasterei:

Twitter ist tot, Es lebe das Fediverse?!

Erklär ma:
85 min

Erklär ma:


Gala Be Need Inn
93 min

Gala Be Need Inn

Locke Dun Ausgabe

Der Weisheit
83 min

Der Weisheit

Eine Stunde Lebenskunde - 10. Staffelfinale

Och Menno
45 min

Och Menno

Neue K(r)ampfhubschrauber für die Bundeswehr

Offene Hör Muscheln
45 min

Offene Hör Muscheln

(OHM #019)

Sendezentrum: Who Killed The Internet?
46 min

Sendezentrum: Who Killed The Internet?

And a promising alternative for Public Communication and…

The Diner Podcast live:
47 min

The Diner Podcast live:

Frauen in der Technik