Video decoding in Vulkan: A brief overview of the provisional VK_KHR_video_queue & VK_KHR_video_decode APIs

Victor Manuel Jáquez Leal

Playlists: 'xdc2021' videos starting here / audio

In April of this year, Khronos released a provisional set of extensions: [VK_KHR_video_queue, VK_KHR_video_decoder_queue and VK_KHR_video_encoder_queue]( They all aim for hardware accelerated video decoding and encoder with the Vulkan API. In this talk, we will introduce the basics of video decoding and give an overview of the concepts used to decode video via the new Vulkan extension, using as example the usage of the API in a GStreamer element. The talk will be educational and focus on helping others in the X/Mesa community to understand the new API concepts.



