Incorporating OpenStreetMap into Academic Curricula: Insights from GeoTE Tanzania's Five-Week Field Training programs with YouthMappers and Academic Partners

Erick Mnyali

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Through this initiative, GeoTE Tanzania focuses on integrating OpenStreetMap (OSM) into academic curricula through five-week Field Training sessions with YouthMappers and academic partners. This program emphasizes practical application and problem-solving using OSM data across disciplines such as wildlife, forestry, agriculture, rural and urban development, and environmental studies. By partnering with universities like Sokoine University of Agriculture, GeoTE facilitates hands-on learning experiences that prepare students to address community challenges with geospatial techniques.

"Incorporating OpenStreetMap into Academic Curricula: Insights from GeoTE Tanzania's Five-Week Field Training with YouthMappers and Academic Partners" explores the transformative role of OSM in academic settings and community development. GeoTE Tanzania's approach to integrating OSM into academic curricula revolves around practical application and problem-solving, empowering students to leverage geospatial data for real-world impact.

The program's structure emphasizes collaboration with academic partners and organizations like YouthMappers to deliver comprehensive Field Training sessions lasting five weeks. These sessions serve as immersive learning experiences where students apply OSM data and techniques to address community challenges across various domains, including wildlife conservation, forestry management, agricultural development, and urban planning.

Through step-by-step mentorship on project ideation and execution, students gain proficiency in using OSM as a tool for spatial analysis and decision-making. The program's focus extends beyond technical skills to cultivate critical thinking and problem-solving abilities essential for effective community engagement.

A cornerstone of GeoTE's approach is its partnership with academic institutions like the Sokoine University of Agriculture, where Field Training sessions are integrated into the academic calendar. This collaboration ensures that students receive academic credit while gaining practical experience in OSM mapping and analysis.

GeoTE Tanzania's experience offers valuable insights into the potential of OSM to enhance academic curricula and foster community development. By equipping students with OSM skills and empowering them to address local challenges, GeoTE contributes to building a sustainable ecosystem of geospatial practitioners capable of driving positive change in their communities.

The presentation will highlight key learnings, challenges, and best practices gleaned from GeoTE's experience, providing attendees with actionable strategies for incorporating OSM into academic programs and community development initiatives. Through case studies and testimonials, the talk will showcase the tangible impact of OSM integration in empowering students and advancing community-driven solutions.

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