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Playlist "PrivacyWeek 2020"

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How the internet really works - What interferes with information traveling over the internet?

Ulrike Uhlig and Mallory Knodel

We will read and show a chapter from our comic book "How the Internet Really Works - An illustrated Guide to Protocols, Privacy, Censorship, and Governance". How is censorship technically carried out and how can it be circumvented?

Ulrike Uhlig and Mallory Knodel will read and show a chapter from their comic book **"How the Internet Really Works - An illustrated Guide to Protocols, Privacy, Censorship, and Governance"**. The book explains technical concepts to non-technical and technical readers alike using concise text and playful illustrations. Catnip, the cat that guides readers through our book, answers questions like these: Who controls the internet? How can I participate in shaping the internet myself? What is internet governance?

For this talk we will focus on those two questions: How is censorship technically carried out, and how can it be circumvented?

Lot's of details about the book and some of the pages for download on

Our talk is suitable for people with technical and less technical backgrounds alike.