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Playlist "Kernel Kwestioning"

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Kernel Kwestioning

Nils Magnus (secunet Security Networks AG)

A lot of kernel developers show up at LinuxTag. This is an exclusive opportunity to learn how the development process is organized and what the developers plan for in the future. This is a moderated question and answer session and the audience is able to ask everything it wanted to know about the Linux Kernel but did not dare to ask before ... The participating developers join a round tabel on the stage and the microphone is passed to the audience to ask questions.

Über den Autor Nils Magnus: Nils was co-founder of LinuxTag back in 1995 and is today involved as Program Chair. He is resposnsible for LinuxTag conference planning and organization and is member of the extended board. Nils works as Senior Security Consultant at secunet Security Networks AG, Hamburg, Germany and has a focus on security analysis and solutions for high-security environments. He is head of the best practise team security analysis and leader of the network security team. If not concerned with computers, he loves to cook, to travel, and to listen to substantial music.