Search for person "Sarah Hoffmann"

Living with the lasersaur
60 min

Living with the lasersaur

Experiences with the open source laser cutter

Leben mit dem Saurier
55 min

Leben mit dem Saurier

Erfahrungen von Bau und Betrieb de Lasersaur

CR232: There is no Game
118 min

CR232: There is no Game

Spiele als Medium zur Aktivierung und zur Revolution

63 min


Is your data secure by default? How Django can be used to…

Solving your Big-Data problem before it arises, using Django
49 min

Solving your Big-Data problem before it arises, using Django

How data sharding can make you perform better and faster

HowTo write a website in the Cloud
52 min

HowTo write a website in the Cloud

Using Amazon and Google to serve your data

Objects in the Cloud
46 min

Objects in the Cloud

How object orientation can be used to solve problems in…