Search for person "Nils Magnus (LinuxTag e. V.)"

20 Jahre c-base
54 min

20 Jahre c-base

Die Wahrheit™ über den Absturz - eine Transparenzoffensive

Composition after the first minute of creativity is spent
53 min

Composition after the first minute of creativity is spent

style-agnostic tricks and techniques of all eras

The School of Hacking Art
51 min

The School of Hacking Art

Is it possible? 10 years experience from the first man who…

DG97: deSEC
38 min

DG97: deSEC

Sicheres DNS-Hosting für alle

“Ad amandum te factus sum, o cara”
53 min

“Ad amandum te factus sum, o cara”

Bardcore Unveiled: The Creative Journey from Concept to…